We are very pleased to invite AIP member industries to the joint event of ACEP and PIKAVEM
‘Influencing the co-operation’ – A workshop to develop and deepen the co-operation between the city of Jakobstad and the industrial actors at AIP
Date: 1.11.2024
Time: 8.30-13.30
Place: Jugendsalen, Skolgatan 11, Jakobstad
Registration: https://events.jakobstadsregionen.fi/event/2kKrM/SV, please register by 22 October.
To get background information for the workshop, everyone needs to fill in our short survey. The survey results will help all parties get the most out of the event! Please respond by 11.10 by this link.
The organisers are: Åsa Björkman, project manager (ACEP) tel. 050 400 4274, asa.bjorkman@concordia.jakobstad.fi and Tomas Knuts, project coordinator (PIKAVEM)/Losvik & Flen, tel. 040 562 8498, tomas.knuts@losvikflen.com
The Alholmen Circular Economy Platform (ACEP) and Pietarsaaren kaupunkisuunnittelu vihreän energiasiirtymän mahdollistamiseksi (PIKAVEM) projects
Highlights of the event:
– Updates from the City of Pietarsaari, Mayor Anne Ekstrand and Alholmen Industrial Park rf, Chairman Juha Hakala
– Sari Kola, Innovaatiotohtori.fi, will give an inspirational lecture in Finnish on the development of industrial areas and the importance of cooperation between the city organisation and industries.
– Presentation of the city general plan, city plan architect Sören Öhberg
– and of course morning coffee and lunch
Please share both the invitation and the survey in your organisations.
Survey link: https://response.questback.com/abjakobstadsregionensnringscen/yhteistyo
The event is bilingual (Finnish and Swedish). You are welcome to join us!